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Dr. Roger Styer is an expert regarding

flower seed quality, production

and transplant technology.  He has

had Global experience in this field

for over 27 years.

Styer's Horticultural Consulting offers

both group and personal training

all over the world.  His rich knowledge

means savings to his clientel through

his teaching strategies.

Bouquet of Flowers
About SHCI
       Styer's Horticultural Consulting, Inc.

Young Plant Production

Styer's Horticultural Consulting, Inc. {SHCI} works with the growers and operations personnel to identify weak areas in the production of seed plugs and vegetative propagation.  Improving production is targeted through the reduction of shrinkage through the use of the quality of; seeds, cuttings, and growing media. Crop review and training is also offered for optimal techniques of; germination, sticking cuttings, and growth control. 

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Disease & Insect Control

While identifying major plant disease problems SHCI helps growers learn how to apply proper fungicides, monitor environmental conditions, and the practice of good sanitation to minimize diseases.  We assist in identifying major insects through scouting, yellow sticky cards. After identification, alternatives to control both an insect population and disease solutions are offered. Lessons are offered on how to apply insecticides with the use of chemical rotations, spray techniques, and biocontrol’s to maximize a healthy crop for our customers. 


Finished Bedding Production

Improve production techniques from transplant through shipping of all ornamental crops. This includes mums, poinsettias, and flowering bedding plants.  Analyze the steps growers and operations personnel take in producing plants. Identify and improve the areas where losses occur. Target areas where reduction of shrinkage occur. All of this and more is offered through the assistance of SHCI’s training.

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Learn about 8 Specific Greenhouse Challenges
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Styer's Horticultural Consulting SHCI Service Offerings

Crop Cultivation

Review ornamental crop production year-round thru visits and recommend improvements.  Includes young plants, bedding plants, mum, poinsettias, and perennials.


Create crop growing programs that are reproducible utilizing best management practices.

Growing Programs

Shrinkage Reduction

Improve production efficiency, reduce costs,

and reduce shrinkage.

On Site Training

Provide grower training programs at growing locations

in English or Spanish utilizing classroom

and greenhouse teaching methods.

Quality Standards

Help set up measurable quality standards

and production benchmarks.

Problem Solving

Work with growing staff and outside experts to solve production problems quickly using proven solutions.

On Site Trials

Set up of on-site trials at growing locations for new varieties and products.


Help set up and improve insect and disease control programs utilizing biocontrols and

smart use of pesticides.


Basket of Flowers
About SHC
Meet The Owner
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Roger C. Styer, PhD

Dr. Roger C. Styer's company -  SHCI offers a broad-based consulting & training service for ornamental green house & nursery operations throughout North America.  He targets production of young plants (seed and vegetative), finished spring crops, perennials, garden mums, poinsettias, pot crops, and more.  SHC also works with companies selling products to the ornamental greenhouse & nursery industry to increase sales & to evaluate how growers utilize their products successfully. 

Dr. Styer earned his PhD degree in Horticulture Sciences from the University of Florida. After graduation, he worked for 12 years at Seed companies conducting research on flower seed production and quality along with transplant (plug) production and technology.  He also provided technical services for the ornamental industry, both domestically and internationally. 

Traveling to companies in Asia, Central & South America, Europe, as well as extensively in North America has given him international experience.  Dr. Styer has operated his own independent consulting company for over 15 years. He also has worked for Fides-Oro as a Technical Representative for the entire North American territory.  SHCI - Styer's Horticultural Consulting, Inc. targets growers into becoming more successful with all aspects of growing ornamentals. 


Dr. Styer has published numerous papers in trade journals and helped organize the International Plug and Cutting Conferences since 1992, while being a spotlighted speaker and trainer for ornamental growers.



Roger Styer's Horticulture Consulting, Inc.

North America Division


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